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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sally Furay, RSCJ - opening prayer at BEF board meeting

Front entrance of Josephinum Academy also home to the
Barat Education Foundation offices

Well it was a very busy and full weekend for me to say the least!  Saturday morning started with a BEF (Barat Education Foundation) board meeting and ended with a dinner hosted at the Glen View Club to celebrate Josephinum's Full Membership in the Sacred Heart Network of Schools.  

So my day started with the following prayer which was read by fellow board member Sally Furay, RSCJ who was home in San Diego, California recuperating from a recent surgery on her ankle.  I asked that she forward it to me as it seemed most appropriate for all the changes that have taken place this past week and will continue as we adapt to a world of growth and prosperity.  I will post more about the terrific evening at the Glen View Club along with a few photos to describe the event entitled: Passport to Gouter tomorrow.  In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the prayer below as much as I did when Sally read it.


Lord and Source of All Gifts,
                  we rejoice in the fullness of Your generosity,
                  in the life to which you have called each of us.
We thank You now for the gift of change,
                  for the gifts of beginning and newness,
                  which can open doors.
We bless You and thank You as well
                  for that which is stable and unchanging,                 
                  for the ancient and traditional
                  which give meaning to the present and future.
We thank You for the capacity for change in our lives,
                  for without change, there can be no real growth
                  and no deepening of the life to which You have called us.
We are grateful, in this prayer, for those people
                  who, through their gifts of dream and adventure,
                  have taught us not to fear change, not to resist the new.
We are thankful for Jesus Whom we follow
                  who spoke to us of new wine for new wine skins
                  and who calls us daily to a new kingdom and to a new promise.
May our hearts be ever-changing, ever in growth,
                  as we continue on our journey to You, our Mysterious Source,
                  You who are forever fresh and new
                  yet forever the same.
May we walk with one another,
                  in trust and forgiveness and hope,
                  daily seeking to be there for one another,
                  ready to stay at the table and walk the journey always.
Blessed are You, Lord our God
                  Who gives spice to life with change.   Amen

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