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Our day of "Stuartship" began this morning at Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) |
Last April 2013, when alums gathered in Omaha, Nebraska at the 39th Biennial AASH Conference resolutions were adopted from each region.
Central Region Resolution: Resolved, That an AASH Annual Day of Service shall be established, in order to foster a deeper commitment to the goal of a social awareness that impels to action, which could be accomplished in a variety of ways, such as partnering with our schools in providing service in our local communities, supporting the existing ministries of the RSCJ, making a financial contribution to our schools or a service organization, or joining together in prayer; and
Resolved, That we shall educate ourselves to the idea of service as “Stuartship,” and join the RSCJ in learning about the life and ministry of Janet Erskine Stuart, and honor her legacy by dedicating the Annual Day of Service in her name.
With the resolutions adopted in mind, today Woodlands Academy of the Sacred Heart organized an Alumnae Volunteer Day at Feed My Starving Children in Libertyville, Illinois. Marguerite Clohisy Vitulski, WA’81, WAAA Board member and Chair of the Day of Service at Feed My Starving Children along with WAAA Past President, Maureen Hogan Lang, WA'56 and WAAA Vice-President, Kamy Moorman Daddono, WA'80 were on hand to greet those that signed up to volunteer.
Sacred Heart Alums from Barat College and Woodlands, as well as, current Students, Parents and Friends of Woodlands gathered before 9 a.m. at FMSC in Libertyville, IL to take a group photo and learn how their help will go a long way to feed those that do not have access to food.
This is what we learned about FMSC:
- Of 600 million meals shipped, 99.90% have reached the hungry children it was meant for.
- Meals are just 22 cents each and just $80 feeds a child for a year!
- The three meal formulas are packed with soy protein, dried vegetables, 20 vitamins and minerals - everything needed for a malnourished child to recover.
There are several ways one can support the mission of Feed My Starving Children:
- Pray for the millions of starving children around the world and FMSC's ability to serve them
- Volunteer to package meals
- Donate online
- Purchase FMSC merchandise from the Online MarketPlace
It was very gratifying to learn that collectively the group of volunteers had prepared over 135 boxes of MannaPack Rice. After cleaning up our work stations for the next group of volunteers we gathered in the warehouse for a blessing of the boxes that were ready to be shipped.
What a wonderful service! More of us should take the time to agencies like this. It's a reminder that with so much strife and hatred in the world, there are very good people who do God's work in many ways. This was one of those ways.