Photo highlights from the Blessing and Dedication of the Newman Center ~ Lindenwood University |
Sr. Maureen Glavin, RSCJ, Head of School at the
Academy of the Sacred Heart Saint Charles was greeted by an alum of the Academy and current student at
Lindenwood University, as well as,
Dr. Lucy S. Morros, Vice President for Institutional Advancement at
Lindenwood University and former President of Barat College, Lake Forest, Illinois before the Blessing and Dedication ceremony this afternoon. Sr. Glavin presented a beautifully framed portrait of Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne to hang in the Newman Catholic Student Center. Forty-Five percent of
Lindenwood University students are catholic.
Saint Louis Archdiocesan Auxiliary Bishop Edward M. Rice presided over the event.
Prayer of Blessing of Image of Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne
Bishop Rice: My brothers and sisters, as we dedicate this Newman Center to Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne, we ask God's blessing upon this image. When the Church blesses a picture or statue and presents it for public veneration by the faithful, she does so for the following reasons: that when we look at the representation of those who have followed Christ faithfully, we will be motivated to seek the city that is to come; that we will learn the way that will enable us most surely to attain complete union with Christ; that, as we struggle along with our earthly cares, we will be mindful of the saints, those friends and coheirs of Christ who are also our own brothers and sisters and our special benefactors; that we will remember how they love us, are near to us, intercede ceaselessly for us and are joined to us in marvelous communion.
Let us pray...
We bless you for you alone are holy,
and because in your compassion for sinners
you sent into the world your Son, Jesus Christ,
the author and perfecter of holiness.
He sent the Spirit
to sustain his newborn Church,
a voice that teaches us the secrets of holiness,
a breeze that strengthens and refreshes,
a fire that sears our hearts with love,
the seed of God that yields a harvest of grace.
Today we praise you
for the gifts of the Spirit bestowed on Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne,
in whose honor we dedicate this image and this Newman Center.
May we follow in the footsteps of the Lord,
keeping before us the example of Saint Rose Philippine,
and grow to maturity
measured not by nature, but by the fullness of Christ.
May we proclaim his Gospel by word and deed
and, shouldering our crosses daily,
expend ourselves for others in your service.
As we carry out our earthly duties,
may we be filled with the Spirit of Christ
and keep our eyes fixed on the glories of heaven,
where you, Father, receive those who will reign with your Son,
for ever and ever.
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