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Sunday, November 18, 2018

CELEBRATING: Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne ~ 200 Years Crossing Frontiers

photo taken in November 17, 2006

November 18, 1852 ~ "The death of Blessed Philippine Duchesne occurred at noon on this day as the Angelus bell was ringing."

Taken from the book: Through the Year with Philippine Duchesne

Mass ~ Live Stream

200 Years Crossing Frontiers

November 18, 2018 will mark the close of the Bicentennial celebration of the Society of the Sacred Heart in the United States and Canada. In 1818, St. Rose Philippine Duchesne and four companions arrived in St. Charles and within days opened a school in a log cabin, the first free school west of the Mississippi and the beginning of the Society’s mission of education in the Americas. This festive Eucharist will include the premiere celebration of the Mass in honor of St. Rose Philippine Duchesne, RSCJ, composed by Michael Joncas for the occasion.

The Most Reverend Robert J. Carlson, Archbishop of Saint Louis, will be presiding.

Mass Live Stream Link

Saturday, November 10, 2018

#OnThisDay in 1852 Mother Duchesne writes to Madeleine Sophie Barat

The above icon was commissioned by Sacred Heart Schools Chicago
and the original hangs in their Chapel.
by Artist and Iconographer Patricia Reid, RSCJ

November 10, 1852 ~ Mother Duchesne writes to Madeleine Sophie Barat: "I come to say farewell to you, though God alone knows the moment when death will come.  There is much I should like to say to you about the suffering I have caused you - if you were less indulgent and I were in a condition to express myself better. But God has humbled my pride by loss of memory and continual forgetfulness.  I humbly beg pardon for all the suffering I have caused you.  I think I shall never do so again. 

Taken from the book: "Through the Year with Philippine Duchesne"

Friday, November 9, 2018

#OnThisDay in 1834: Philippine Duchesne writes to Madeleine Sophie Barat

Philippine was known to sleep under the stairs in
this closet at the convent in Florissant (see below).
The chair is filled with prayer requests left by visitors.

November 9, 1834 ~ Philippine Duchesne writes to Madeleine Sophie Barat: "I am a worn out instrument, a useless walking-stick, fit only to be hidden in a dark corner.  God allows every circumstance to deepen this impression in my soul.  I have never drawn people's confidence and the same condition prevails here at Florissant now.  But here I have more spiritual help than I would have anywhere else in the United States. This is all I ask for the remainder of my life."

Taken from the book: Through the Year with Philippine Duchesne

Editors Note:  The above photo was taken in 2011 when I and fellow alums serving on the AASH Board went with Sr. Margaret Munch, RSCJ to tour the convent in Florissant, MO.  More info on the convent in Florissant ~  A closet under the stairs in the hallway of the convent was used by Mother Duchesne as a makeshift bedroom. She reportedly slept on a straw mattress with a ragged blanket in the closet to be close to the chapel.   

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

#OnThisDay in 1852: Rose Philippine Duchesne, RSCJ writes to St. Madeleine Sophie Barat, "My heart yearns..."

St. Cecilia Cathedral in Omaha, Nebraska

November 7, 1852 ~ Mother Duchesne writes to St. Madeleine Sophie Barat: "My heart yearns to call up all the dear names of the past, but memory fails me.  My sight, too, is very dim, Reverend and beloved Mother, send me your blessing for a happy death, for death is really chasing me."

Taken from the book: "Through the Year with Philippine Duchesne"

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

#OTD in 1835: Mother Duchesne writes to Mother Adeline Boilvin, RSCJ

St. Francis Regis
painted by Sacred Heart alumna and artist
© Beverly Zoellner Groneck

November 6, 1835 ~ Mother Duchesne writes to Mother Adeline Boilvin, RSCJ: "All I desire is retirement, silence, the forgetfulness of creatures, and the grace to remain until death near the shrine of St. Francis Regis (at Florissant)."

Taken from the book: Through the Year with Philippine Duchesne

Editors Note:  In 1834 Philippine was transferred to Florisant again as Superior and lived there until 1842 when she returned to St. Charles, Missouri, to spend the remainder of her life.  To learn more about the special place that Philippine referred to in her letter to Mother Boilvin - click here 

Monday, November 5, 2018

200 Years Ago: Mother Duchesne, RSCJ writes to Superior General Madeleine Sophie Barat

As seen in Old St. Ferdinand, a Shrine to
St. Rose Philippine Duchesne

November 5, 1818 ~ Mother Duchesne writes to St. Madeleine Sophie Barat, I have found the greatest consolation in receiving the blessing of the Holy Father.  I am persuaded that God had His designs in bringing us here.  Already pictures of the Sacred Heart adorn several churches, for I have revived my old talent for painting and making paper flowers, and we have made decorations for several tabernacles. 

Taken from the book: Through the Year with Philippine Duchesne