Last week (July 10-14, 2013) I attended my very first Society of the Sacred Heart Spirituality Forum hosted at Sacred Heart Schools in Atherton, Calf. The theme, Janet Erskine Stuart: Spirituality and Education for the 21st Century was what caught my attention. Since this year marks the Launch of the Centenary Year of Janet Erskine Stuart (1857-1914) it was a perfect opportunity to learn more about this remarkable religious educator and Sixth Superior General of the Society of the Sacred Heart.
So after getting settled at the
Vallombrosa Center, Helen Ryan and I headed over to the brand new Johnson Performing Arts building for a Welcome Reception and Buffet Dinner hosted in Ravi Hall.
Sacred Heart Schools has a most beautiful 63-acre campus! The
200 plus attendees comprised of RSCJ (many from Oakwood and surrounding Communities), Sacred Heart Educators, Associates and Alums from as far away as Australia, India, Puerto Rico and Canada. Our time together would include: informative presentations and break out sessions, daily morning prayer and evening liturgies, time for reflection and group discussion. The next few days we listened intently to the following speakers:
Hughes, RSCJ
- Janet Erskiine Stuart through the
Eyes of Her Contemporaries
Suzanne Cooke,
- Mother Stuart's Understanding of Prayer and
its Impact on the Spirituality of Sacred Heart Education
Ray O’Connor,
- Janet Erskine Stuart's Educational
Philosophy and the Plan of Studies
Ilia Delio,
- The Legacy of Janet Erskine Stuart and the
SPirituality and Education Needed for Today's Emerging Vision
From the many breakout sessions offered, I chose to attend Janet Stuart's Equine Legacy by Lyn Osiek, RSCJ; Connie Solari, Atherton; Corie Thompson, Atherton; and a very handsome Clydesdale named Beau. On Saturday afternoon I went to Janet Erskine Stuart's Love of Nature by Ruth Cady, Atherton.
The overall experience was fabulous. I enjoyed seeing many familiar faces and most especially meeting and making new friends within our Sacred Heart family. To
view the many photos taken during the 2013 Spirituality Forum just click on the photo to the right of this blog entry.
And to see more photos taken during the course of the Forum -
click here or go to